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Attitude, Attitude, Atitude

This article talks about the importance of having a positive attitude for people with disabilities. How important it is to keep positive.

DisabilityEmployment 9 years ago

Do You Have A Disabiity And You Need Work?

disABLEDperson, Inc. a 501 (c) 3 Public Charity has a mission to reduce the high unemployment rate of veterans and people with disabilities. We accomplish this through our 2 national job boards: and Job Opportunities for Disabled American Veterans or . If you are a person with a disability or a disabled veteran and you are looking for work, COME! Register, post your resume, have jobs emailed or texted to you and conduct your job search. Good luck! disABLEDperson, Inc. 760-420-1269

DisabilityEmployment 10 years ago