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15 Of The Most Adorable Doggie Halloween Costumes

More like Howloween, amirite? In or out of costume, your pup deserves a sparkling smile, so treat them -- and their teeth -- right with DENTASTIX®.

1. Harry Pawter and the Sorcerer's Bone

2. U.S. Pawstal Service

3. Peter Pug

4. Jon Bone Jovi

5. The Legend of Zeldog: Ocorgrina of Time

6. Stay Rufft

7. Don't Whine for Me Arfgentina

8. The Wizard of Paws

9. The Bark Knight

10. La Cucadacha

11. Bow Wow Cow

12. Pugception

13. The Sherwoof

14. Captain Americlaws

15. The Wind-Up Bark Chronicles