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21 Tweets That Sum Up How Gen X Is Feeling About Everything Lately

This one's **finally** for you.


a couple months ago a gen x person pointed out to me that millennials always compliment desserts by saying “it’s not too sweet” and the burden of this revelation has been slowly driving me nuts ever since


Of all the generations, Gen X has the coolest name, but is the least important one, and now I know how Pitbull feels.


Sitting there laughing at a war between Millennials and Boomers is a perfect Gen X pastime.


Gen X being completely ignored and overlooked in the Boomers vs. Millennials battle might actually be the most Gen X thing to ever happen to us.


My son just OK Boomer’d me. Bitch I’m Gen X, I will put you in a facial recognition database and drown you in student loan debt


Being Gen X, I was obligated to date and break up with several women named Jennifer.


The first rule of gen x is you do not talk about gen x.


I love dating Gen X people cos they got that old book smell.


Boomer: And another thing, you also ruined-- Millennial: Uh. OK Boomer! Gen. X: Oh, God. I'm bookended by lameness.


@alwaysjathis @mat_johnson This is my 8-year-old’s answer to a math question. Strong Gen X energy.


MY DAUGHTER: OK, GenX. [I pull the car over to the curb] ME: Listen Zoomer, as long as the Millennials and the Boomers are at war, we have a truce. But make no mistake, GenX is nihilistic af and if you step to us we will let you drown in student loan debt.


Gen X: We learned to program when we were young. Unfortunately the thing we learned to program was a VCR.


gen x during the generational discourse


Boomers: Watched Gilligan’s Island. Gen X: Watched Gilligan’s Island in syndication in the afternoon at our babysitter’s. Millennials: “Gilligan’s Island is racist.” Gen Z: *shares nude pix in sailor hat on Kik with neckbeard posing as Chad, has never heard of Gilligan’s Island*


what's your star sign? i'm a boomer / gen x cusp - @polarbearhair


Me on a good day: hello fellow kids I’m ALSO a millennial who enjoys skincare, astrology & avocado toast! 💆‍♀️♏️🥑🍞✨✨ Me on a bad day: leave my Gen X ass alone & just let me sit in the driveway listening to Pearl Jam on a retro-fitted CD player in my SUV till the day I DIE 💀💀


I’m Gen X and all I care about is when I can wear tiny backpacks again


As a GenXer I am uniquely qualified to be an expert on GenX. The core value of my generation is hostility. To your favorite bands, your mom, your politics, and definitely those shoes.


@gazpachomachine I'm Gen X and our version of "Okay Boomer" was "whatever" accompanied by an eye roll. Oh man do they hate that.


If anyone says "OK, Boomer" to me directly, I promise you I will go full Gen X Incredible Hulk on you. *Note: Gen X Incredible Hulk is still green, but bursts out of a Bart Simpson "Underachiever and proud of it" T-shirt while singing "I'm Just a Bill."


boomer: millennials are a bunch of snowflakes millennial: ok boomers gen x: *rips bong* has anyone seen my pearl jam cd
