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10 Struggles Only Serious Dippers Understand

For those who take dipping seriously (and why wouldn't you?), life is a constant battle. Everywhere you turn, there are clueless dip eaters out there committing real dip-related crimes. When will the madness end?

1. Double dippers.

2. Dip hogs.

3. When there's no more dip.

4. When people leave bits of cracker/chip in the dip.

5. When you don't have the proper chip for the dip.

6. People who bite first, then dip.

7. People who put their fingers in to get a taste of the dip.

8. People who buy store-brand instead of the quality stuff.

9. People who use the word "dip" when they're not talking about the one true dip.

10. Messy dippers.

Fortunately for the serious dipper (and the casual alike), there's one thing that's never a struggle -- choosing the perfect dip! Visit Dean's Dip on Instagram to discover what serious dipping is all about!