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You Can Now Get Mashed Potatoes From A Slurpee Machine At 7-11

For one dollar, you can get a tub of potatoes at 7-11. Add one more dollar, and you get a Big Gulp. Add one more dollar, and I'm guessing you get handfull of sausage casings and spoonful of kitchen grease.

In case you can't read the directions, here's what they say:

1. Place the cup under the nozzle.

2. Press the "Mashed Potatoes" button once.

3. Chicken gravy will be dispensed after 2 seconds.

4. Enjoy your mashed potatoes.

I'm guessing Step 5 is "Dump entire concoction into a Monster (TM) Energy Slurpee." It is for me, anyway.

And here's a video of the machine in action:

View this video on YouTube