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22 Things That Would Kill Me But I'd Still 100% Eat Without Hesitation

I'd eat without hesitation. WITHOUT. HESITATION.

1. The inside of a golf ball:

2. Purple glue:

3. Insulation:

4. Lava:

5. Aquarium gravel:

6. Packing peanuts:

7. Deodorant:

8. These things:

9. Cleaning solution:

10. The ceiling:

11. A long yellow hose:

12. Bouncy balls:

13. Those goopy fish things:

14. Many-sided dice:

15. String-instrument resin:

16. Dishwasher tablets:

17. A 3,500-year-old amber bear amulet:

18. Molten iron:

19. Oil:

20. Drywall:

21. Microwaved soap:

22. Silica beads:

NOTE: Don't eat this shit! You'll feel bad! You might die! Use these products as directed, ya dumb-dumbs! C'mon!