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26 Texts That Are Way Funnier Than They Have Any Right To Be

Time for texts.

1. Horrible headaches:

2. Inspirational words:

3. The joy of birth:

4. Your biggest fear:

5. Sin City:

6. The trials and tribulations of Onion Girl:

7. Growing pains:

8. Important equations:

9. Palindromes:

10. D*mn:

11. Grammar rules:

12. Baby names:

13. Mom's warm greetings:

14. Mama Big Mac:

15. Million-dollar ideas:

16. Heartfelt lyrics:

17. Silent G's:

18. Getcha getcha getcha:

19. The pinnacle of home decor:

20. Emergency questions:

21. Me:

22. Noods:

23. Straeh:

24. Long responses:

25. The prettiest girl in the room:

26. And the Carbs Vixen: