If You're A Teacher And None Of These Make You Laugh, Nothing Will

    Teachers GET IN HERE.

    1. The natural progression:

    2. Lesson plans come May:

    3. The government vs. you:

    4. The greatest gift of all:

    5. The "SHHHH" heard ’round the world:

    6. THAT excuse:

    7. "You tell me" face:

    8. Important decisions:

    9. That teacher kinda tired:

    10. The stark difference:

    11. Expectations vs. reality:

    12. The lie that is "40 hours":

    13. THOSE questions:

    14. Energy levels:

    15. An intro to teaching:

    16. That ONE kid:

    17. Those tiny, tiny chairs:

    18. Simple math:

    19. The waiting game:

    20. Teacher vs. teacher:

    21. Thoughts and prayers:

    22. The face you make 15 times a day:

    23. The worst trend in existence:

    24. Breaking news:

    25. Tryin' to get some RELAXATION:

    26. Weighing pros and cons:

    27. How to speak teacher:

    28. Gettin' them Z's:

    29. Part-time job options:

    30. The worst sound to hear:

    31. Trying to pull off the master heist:

    32. Aging gracefully:

    33. The glue dilemma:

    34. Getting stuff DONE:

    35. The realization:

    36. The comparison:

    37. The "no pencil" face:

    38. Nonexistent extra credit:

    39. The beginning vs. the end:

    40. The transformation after asking a question:

    41. Saying goodbye to an old friend:

    42. Those sweet little children:

    43. That "moving out" look:

    44. And sweet freedom:

    45. ...although you know the truth: