19 People Who Really Freakin' Pissed Me Off This Week

    Come on.

    1. The coworker that had to have every single donut:

    2. The most wasteful roommate in the world:

    3. This gas guzzler:

    4. The worst group project partner imaginable:

    5. The person who used this car as their own personal garbage dump:

    6. The person who thinks they're king of Black Friday:

    7. The people who just left their trash in the movie theatre aisle instead of walking like 15 feet to dispose of it:

    8. The people who had a gender reveal party full of litter:

    9. The people who put their cigarette butts in this poor l'il tree:

    10. The coworker who ruined this celebration:

    11. The person who put their stanky mask in the bus air vent:

    12. The person who put their stanky feet all over the seat in front of them:

    13. The roommate that spilled this and just went on business as usual:

    14. The customer who left the world's worst tip:

    15. The person who got a little stanky and felt the need to pass it on:

    16. The roommate that let their chicken juice spill and freeze all over ice:

    17. The person who had no regard for this antique record player:

    18. The person who used this truck as their personal trash can:

    19. And Jeff: