33 Puns That Are Way Funnier Than They Should Be

    Every day I'm punnin'.

    1. The perfect cooking utensil:

    2. The loss of a true icon:

    3. The perfect pair of shoes:

    4. Coral's mental state:

    5. Changing of seasons:

    6. Australian homework:

    7. Amith's yearbook quote:

    8. Today's weather:

    9. History being made:

    10. Waldo's fashion choices:

    11. Family jeans:

    12. Weird-lookin' cats:

    13. Grandma's new number:

    14. Bathroom problems:

    15. This list summed up:

    16. Foiled plans:

    17. The agony and the ectasy of Robert:

    18. The scariest pun of all time:

    19. The saddest furniture:

    20. This cat's new look:

    21. Pears getting down to business:

    22. Farmin' puns:

    23. Puns from a different angle:

    24. Inside the animal boardroom:

    25. The trustworthiness of atoms:

    26. Bra pics:

    27. The most inspirational pun there ever was:

    28. Not the people you want to meet in a dark alley:

    29. UFOs...CAUGHT ON TAPE:

    30. The story of Peter Pan:

    31. Rick Astley's favorite movie:

    32. Dad's H2horror:

    33. In conclusion...