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My Dumb Little Brain Is Completely Blown After Seeing These 21 Absolutely Incredible Pictures For The Very First Time Last Week

Okay, all of these are absolutely throwing me for a loop.

1. This is Big Jake, the world's tallest horse:

Horse in a pen towering over a man

2. And this is the world's tallest statue, the Statue of Unity:

The statue of a barefoot man wearing loose pants and a shawl appears on top of a roof

3. This particular breed of sheep, known as hissar, is famous for its large, ample buttocks:

Sheep in a pen with protruding, elongated buttocks

4. In 2011, Peter Glazebrook grew the world's largest onion, which weighed in at 18 pounds:

A smiling man holding an enormous yellow onion

5. And here's my man again in 2015 at the World's Heaviest Marrow competition with his 115-pound big boy:

Man kneeling on an enormous, upright green squash

6. This is a close-up of some well-worn pebbles on the surface of Mars:

Many large pebbles and stones on a sandy surface

7. This is Samantha Ramsdell, the woman with the world's largest mouth gape:

A woman with her very wide mouth open

8. This is how big Greenland actually is compared with how big it appears on most maps:

Greenland appears bigger than the continental US on the original map but is about a third of its size

9. Before CGI, this is how MGM filmed its iconic movie intro:

A male lion stands on two wooden platforms before two cameramen and their equipment

You know, this one:

The famous Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer logo on a big-screen TV

10. This right here is what one of the Titanic's lifeboats looked like before the passengers were rescued:

A lifeboat with about 20–25 people wearing life jackets in it

11. This is how big Plymouth Rock is in real life:

A medium-size rock behind bars

12. This is a picture from Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Can you spot Abe?

A black-and-white photo of a crowd, with many in it wearing top hats, with a man who appears to be Abe without a hat on the top right

13. There's a movie theater in Switzerland that lets you rent out beds to watch a movie in:

A movie theater with a row of side-by-side twin beds with the heads raised — and including pillows, folded sheets, and small end tables — inside their separate enclosures

14. In 1964, Randy Gardner, pictured here, set the world record for the longest time without sleeping after staying awake 264 hours:

A young man looking remarkably alert sits on a bed with a clock, light bulb, and other items on it

15. This is what 1,500 Jenga pieces balancing on one single piece look like:

A large reverse pyramid of Jenga pieces set at angles on a table

16. This is what the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki, Japan, looked like from the ground:

A huge cloud appears above a cityscape

17. This is what a 100-sided die looks like:

A circular die with many numbers on it held between a thumb and forefinger

18. In the early 1950s, the A.C. Gilbert Co. sold a children's toy called the Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Lab. It contained actual radioactive material, encouraging children to create their own nuclear reactions. It was quickly taken off the shelves:

A black-and-white photo of a young boy sitting on a table alongside the "toy," which appears inside a suitcase held open by an older man and contains a battery-powered Geiger–Müller counter and a "cloud chamber" with radioactive samples

19. This is the Barringer crater, an enormous crater created in Arizona by a meteor 50,000 years ago:

An enormous hole in a sandy, desertlike landscape

20. This year, the Pabst Brewing Co. sold an 1,844-can pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon to commemorate the beer's founding in 1844:

An enormous pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon, selling for $849, on top of much smaller containers in a store display

21. And, finally, there's an ancient Egyptian statue at the Field Museum in Chicago that looks just like Michael Jackson:

The head of an Egyptian statue with a damaged nose and large eyes with eyeliner