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27 Everyday Things You Never Knew Had Names

Scrabble will never be the same.

1. Glabella

2. Vagitus

3. Chanking

4. Zarf

5. Plume

6. Darkle

7. Souffle Cup

8. Snollygoster

9. Natiform

10. Tintinnabulation

11. Columella nasi

12. Rhinorrhea

13. Punt

14. Jamais vu

15. Misophonia

16. Brannock Device

17. River

18. Nurdle

19. The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon

20. Collywobbles

21. Clover Mite

22. Keeper

23. Frisson

24. Overmorrow

25. Grawlix

26. Rasceta

27. L'esprit d'escalier or "stairway wit"

Congratulations, you now know everything! That feeling in your stomach? That's the collywobbles of knowledge.