If None Of These Bumper Stickers Make You Laugh, Nothing Will

    They just are.

    1. The perfect sticker to show how much you love your child:

    2. The perfect sticker to give everyone an update on your life:

    3. The perfect sticker to give everyone a reason why:

    4. The perfect sticker to let everyone know your favorite hobby:

    5. And your other favorite hobby:

    6. And your most favorite hobby:

    7. The perfect sticker to stand up for your beliefs:

    8. The perfect sticker to tell it like it is:

    9. The perfect sticker to show everyone how cool you are:

    10. The perfect sticker to let everyone know what's up:

    11. The perfect sticker to let everyone know that you matter too:

    12. The perfect sticker to fight for your rights:

    13. The perfect sticker to spread a little joy on the road:

    14. The perfect sticker to give love to Tenacious D:

    15. The perfect sticker to be perfectly honest:

    16. The perfect sticker to stay safe on the road:

    17. The perfect sticker to really shock everyone on the road:

    18. The perfect sticker to stand up for something:

    19. The perfect sticker to talk about your hopes and dreams:

    20. The perfect sticker to be reasonable on the road:

    21. The perfect sticker to incite a riot:

    22. The perfect sticker, if you really think about it:

    23. The perfect sticker if you still have a 3rd grade sense of humor:

    24. And the perfect sticker for the rest of your life: