23 Times Anti-Vaxxers Got Absolutely Roasted In The Most Vicious Way Possible

    Can't come back from that one.

    1. On the plague:

    2. On spoons:

    3. On the children:

    4. On chicken pox:

    5. On immune systems:

    6. On shingles:

    7. On chemicals:

    8. On ingredients:

    9. On Tide Pods:

    10. On measles:

    11. On the human body:

    12. On murder:

    13. On good moms:

    14. On DNA:

    15. On bumper stickers:

    16. On Mexico:

    17. On journals:

    18. On scientific studies:

    19. On censorship:

    20. On camps:

    21. On trolling:

    22. On studies:

    23. And on science: