The 50 Dumbest Things People Have Actually Posted On The Internet

    Good lord.

    1. On birth:

    person who says because people die and are born at the same time the population should be zero

    2. On new pictures from Mars:

    mars picture with a comment reading why the pic show the sun shining there is sun in mars

    3. On America:

    tweet saying people at the vatican are fired for not getting vaccinated and someone says biden's america

    4. On famous ships:

    tweet reading help what's the name of the boat in titanic

    5. On people:

    tweet saying people can't be animals

    6. On dogs:

    tweet says dogs can't talk so they don't have brains

    7. On ancestry:

    person wondering if they are related to their ancestors

    8. On reproduction:

    tweet reading you are either a woman or a man women have reproductive organs men do not

    9. On measles:

    person who says don't vaccinate because they don't want their kid getting a disease

    10. On diamonds:

    person who says 1 gram of diamond weighs 15 grams

    11. On water:

    person who spelled thirst with a 3

    12. On testing:

    person who says the virus isnt deadly because you have to get tested and someone else says have you heard of cancer screenings

    13. On the Earth:

    person trying to see if the earth is flat

    14. On the flu:

    person who says people get pregnant from vaccines

    15. On gravity:

    person wondering why the earth doesnt fall down despite floating in space

    16. On countries:

    person who says there are only 7 countries

    17. On fun liquids:

    person playing with mercury

    18. On microwaves:

    person who blew up their kitchen with a penny in a microwave

    19. On the police:

    person who says the police should just ask the person who got murdered who killed them

    20. On traffic:

    person who sat in traffic for a while behind parked cars

    21. On superpowers:

    person who says iron man is made of iron not metal

    22. On the government:

    person who called an amendment a and end met

    23. On dinosaurs:

    person who says dinosaur bones are fake because in museums they are held together with ropes

    24. On data security:

    people posting their social security numbers on facebook

    25. On the days of the week:

    person who says ain't had time to play on my phone because i work 24/7 5 days a week

    26. On awards:

    facebook comment reading this story won the pullet surprise

    27. On language:

    facebook convo where someone asks for the dimensions of a washing machine and the other person says they don't speak spanish

    28. On the Sun:

    facebook conversation where someone says the sun used to be yellow not white because of chemicals

    29. On accents:

    facebook conversation where someone says irish is the people of ireland and ireland is the accent

    30. On mammals:

    facebook post where someone says dolphins are fake

    31. On math:

    facebook math probem that reads when i was 6 my sister was half my age now i'm 70 how old is she and someone answers 35

    32. On bodies:

    person who says why dont humans evaporate if they are 60 percent water

    33. On printers:

    yahoo answers question where someone is trying to print a gif

    34. On the Senate:

    twitter conversations where someone thinks there are 377 senators

    35. On elections:

    twitter conversation where someone says obama was scared to run against trump

    36. On bears:

    facebook conversations where someone spells hibernating as "hyper mating"

    37. On time:

    tumblr conversation where someone is mad about military time and a person replies that americans can't count past 12

    38. On vaccines:

    facebook conversation where someone says i don't need a vaccine for a disease i don't have and someone responds and says that the point of a vaccine

    39. On clouds:

    person who thinks the sun is not 93 million miles away

    40. On the flu:

    instagram conversation where someone doesn't realize the flu vaccine exists

    41. On the Earth:

    facebook comment saying the earth is 6000 years old

    42. On Ancient Rome:

    person calling them roman numerals not ramen noodles

    43. On mammals:

    person who says humans are not mammals

    44. On dinosaurs:

    person who says dinosaurs cant exist because the earth is 2021 years old

    45. On gravity:

    person who says how does gravity hold water but nto squash a bug

    46. On peer reviews:

    person who doesn't know what peer reviewed means

    47. On schoolwork:

    person who mispells tutor as tudor

    48. On the natural progression:

    person driving with their knees who crashes their car

    49. On Pluto:

    person who says plutonium comes from pluto

    50. On words:

    tumblr conversation where someone says the word hurt is past present and future and someone responds all adjectives are