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21 Pictures That Sum Up 2017 Pretty Much Perfectly

2017 in a nutshell.

1. 2017 is this bottle:

2. It's this vending machine:

3. And it's this ladder:

4. 2017 is this meeting of the minds:

5. It's this paint job:

6. And this kick:

7. 2017 is this cake:

8. It's this international incident:

9. And it's... this:

10. 2017 is this can of salt:

11. It's this parking job:

12. And it's this million dollar idea:

13. 2017 is this TV:

14. It's these jellybeans:

15. And it's this grandma:

16. 2017 is this flash remodeling:

17. It's this delicious meal:

18. And it's this cellphone:

19. 2017 is this bag of gummy bears:

20. It's this backseat driver:

21. But, most of all, 2017 is this pie:

22. For more Best of 2017 content, click here!