17 Photos That Scream "Capitalism" In The Worst Way Possible

    Well, this is depressing.

    1. This hospital that gave their nurses...rocks...to show their appreciation:

    2. This sign that basically screams "we take advantage of children":

    3. This bizarre attempt at disguising supply issues:

    4. This no-brainer headline:

    5. These gross displays of wealth through crappy NFTs:

    6. This tipping limitation:

    7. This screwed up requirement:

    8. This horrifying display of inequality:

    9. This heinous example of how the healthcare system takes advantage of us (and how Amazon keeps us wrapped around their finger):

    10. This ironic entry sign:

    11. This "flex" that no one wants to hear anymore:

    12. This harrowing reminder that there are 14-year-olds being put to work:

    13. This sign that really impedes freedom of speech:

    14. This daunting new neighbor:

    15. This toy that's sucking children into the toxic social media life before they can even speak full sentences:

    16. This subway ad that dares suggest I work while ingesting dumplings:

    17. And finally, this man who had to sell his Nobel prize to pay for his medical bills. Enough said.

    H/T: r/ABoringDystopia