People Are Sharing How English Words Are Thrown Around In Other Languages, And It's Really Interesting

    Ouat ze feuk?

    Reddit user everythingtiddiesboi asked people from countries where English isn't the native language to share the English words they use in regular conversation (like how Americans throw around "bon appétit" or "sayonara"). Here are the most fascinating responses:

    1. "Norwegians use 'Texas' as an adjective in describing parties, as in, 'That party was Texas!' In this context, it means both 'huge and epic' and 'probably embarrassing for everybody involved.'"

    2. "'Shitstorm' has entered the German lexicon. Angela Merkel said it in a speech in 2018."


    3. "The French say le selfie, le feedback, le brunch."


    4. "In Denmark, they use lots of English words, but the most common by far are 'shit' and 'fuck.'"


    5. "In France, a lot of 'ouat ze feuk' (WTF)."

    6. "We say 'make sense' a lot in Sweden, but modified to be more Swedish. We say it more like 'make-a sense,' which basically substitutes a 'to' before 'make' by adding the 'a' at the end. Pronounced 'make ah sense.'"


    7. "In Finnish, we use 'high five' pretty regularly, as well as 'fine,' in the sense of something being acceptable."


    8. "In Hindi, if we're wishing someone well for a festival, we always say 'happy...' and get 'same to you' as a reply."


    9. "In Korea, we added a lot of American/English words during the war, particularly associated with food. We use coffee (most say 'copee'), blueberries, and ham sandwich."

    10. "In Argentina, a one-night stand is a 'touch and go.'"


    11. "There's no real word for yes or no in Irish. So if you go to a Gaeltacht area, you will hear native Irish speakers chatting in Irish to one another but saying 'ya' or 'yes' every few seconds because it's a useful word."


    12. "I was speaking with a Portuguese man the other day, and apparently they call bowling by its English name."


    13. "Japanese people say 'bye-bye' and 'okay.'"

    14. "Dutch-speaking person here. We have loads of loanwords from English. Even verbs. The interesting part is that the Dutch conjugation rules still apply for verbs loaned from English. 'I deleted' becomes 'Ik deletete.'"


    15. "'Sorry,' 'OK,' and 'cool' are the most common ones in Czech. Even my grandma uses those."


    16. "In Poland, we often use 'sory' (pronounced a bit differently than 'sorry') instead of 'przepraszam.'"


    17. "Filipino here. Everyone calls you ma'am/sir."

    18. "I'm Croatian, and the English words that we use a lot are 'random,' 'accidentally,' and 'officially.'"


    19. "In Polish, 'no hey' can be used to say hello and also goodbye."


    20. "There are lots of English words used in Italian, sometimes idiosyncratically: 'public relations,' 'flash' (for USB drive), 'feeling' (for romantic chemistry)."


    21. "In Germany, a lot of people just kinda swap in the direct English translations for words to sound young and trendy. Nouns like 'pants,' 'bag,' 'backpack,' 'bike,' etc. are popular."

    Some submissions have been edited for clarity and grammar.

    Do you know any more English words that are used a lot in non-English-speaking countries? Let us know in the comments!