22 Times Tumblr Totally Nailed Your Star Sign In A Relationship

    Leo needs to chill the f out.

    1. First things first: What is love?

    2. The signs most likely to fall for someone quickly:

    3. And how awkward they get:

    4. How signs protect their feelings:

    5. Their tone when they text:

    6. Reasons why each sign is forever alone:

    7. How they act when they catch feelings:

    8. The shy PDA lovers:

    9. How they react to those three little words:

    10. What they each do if they fuck up:

    11. How difficult signs are with their significant others:

    12. Their communication skills:

    13. How needy they get once they're in a relationship:

    14. How signs recover after being rejected:

    15. The "it's fine" squad:

    16. The gullible lovers:

    17. The terrible and great texters of the horoscope:

    18. The most stubborn, and therefore annoying, signs:

    19. The ones always publicly embarrassing themselves:

    20. The one's that don't make empty promises:

    21. The thinkers who became drinkers:

    22. And finally, the most important thing, compatibility: