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I Just Learned What Was Happening In The Song "Asereje" And I Honestly Can't Believe It

The whole time it made sense.

If you clicked on this, you've heard the song "Asereje" at some point in your life. If not, here's a refresher:

View this video on YouTube

Altra Moda Music / YouTube / Via youtube.com

The one hit wonder was released in the summer of 2002, the catchy yet meaningless chorus, along with its fun dance was everywhere that summer.

But now, thanks to this twitter thread by @Kueaff, my life has changed and shaken to the core.

Voy a tomarme el trabajo de explicar el Aserejé, porque la gente piensa que no tiene sentido, y tiene un montón de sentido *thread*

Turns out there *is* a reason why the chorus of the song sounds like gibberish!!!!!!

@Kueaff points out the song starts out talking about a guy named Diego, so the story is about him.

La letra empieza "mira lo que se avecina a la vuelta de la esquina, viene Diego rumbeando" Ok el personaje principal es Diego

Then the lyrics say "with the moon in his pupils, and leftover contraband on his blue suit." So, Diego was high on something.

"Con la luna en las pupilas, y en su traje aguamarina van restos de contrabando" Es decir, Diego estaba muy muy drogado

Then according to Las Ketchup, Diego gets to the club and it's super packed, but he doesn't care because he loves to dance.

"Y donde más no cabe un alma, allí se mete a darse caña, poseído por el ritmo rakatanga" La disco estaba llena, a Diego le gusta la música

Diego knows the DJ at this club, so they make sure they play his favorite song at midnight.

"Y el DJ que lo conoce toca el himno de las 12, para Diego la canción más deseada" Diego es amigo del DJ y va a pasar su canción favorita.

And what was Diego's favorite song?

Pero Diego la canta mal, porque estaba drogado, ¿Y cuál es la canción favorita de Diego?

"Rapper's Delight" by The Sugarhill Gang!

Se llama Rapper's Delight, de The Sugarhill Gang https://t.co/nC00hrEmDG


...Was supposed to be this:


People following the thread on twitter were also SHOCKED.

Trying to cope with this new reality.


It's been there all along and we *just* found out.

We all basically got mind-fucked by a song from 2002.

And I'm listening to Las Ketchup on repeat now.