23 Style Hacks All Lazy Girls Will Approve

    You'll never be late for anything again.

    1. Plan out what you're going to wear the night before.

    2. If you don't wear a uniform to work, create one.

    3. Go for wrinkle-resistant fabrics.

    4. Store things you won't need this season.

    5. Always check the weather forecast before picking an outfit.

    6. A statement piece can change your entire outfit with little to no effort.

    7. Wear your coat as a cape and you'll instantly look cooler.

    8. Get accessories for your accessories.

    9. Bralettes or bust.

    10. You'll never go wrong with a monochromatic look.

    11. Embellish anything and everything with ~cool~ pins and patches.

    12. Belt down your scarves.

    13. Roll your pants if the hem seems to be off, or if the length interferes with the shoes you're wearing.

    14. If you ever get cold feet, recycle an old sweater into DIY leg warmers.

    15. If you're wearing an oversized top but don't want to look boxy, do the front tuck.

    16. There's more than one way to tie a belt! Get creative.

    17. Tie your T-shirts if you're wearing high-waisted bottoms.

    You can tie it on the side or tuck it in.

    18. If you can't trust the weather, layer up.

    If you're transitioning between seasons and aren't sure how the weather will play out for the rest of the day, layers are the way to go.

    19. If you're feeling bold, mix and match your favorite prints.

    20. Bling out a plain beanie using an old statement necklace.

    21. Wear a shirt under your favorite dress to change things up.

    22. Body chains FTW.

    23. Dress up your sweats. ~Athleisure~ is a thing now.

    Now go out there and ~slay~.