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    13 Of The Greatest "Grey's Anatomy" Moments

    Grey's Anatomy is always tugging at your heart strings. Here are some of the most memorable moments that make you love to watch.

    13. The time Calzona gave it another shot.

    12. Denny.

    11. The time Meredith watched Derek get shot and your whole world stopped.

    10. The time Lexi loved Mark but didn’t want to love Mark, because she thought Mark didn’t love her, but he did.

    9. And the time that Mark finally told Lexi, but it was too late because she was dying.

    8. The time Derek laid the smack-down on Ellis Grey.

    7. When Meredith told Derek to “pick her.”

    6. When April told Jackson she would leave Matthew to be with him.

    5. When Mr. Feeny changed Christina Yang’s life.

    4. When Bailey saved Meredith, baby Bailey and her own Career.

    3. When George Joined the Army.

    2. When Teddy and Henry FINALLY admitted they really loved eachother.

    1. Every time Meredith and Christina reminded us we all need our “person.”

    There are more great moments in this amazing show. Now would be a good time to start a marathon of all the seasons.