23 Photos Canadians Will Instantly Relate To

    Good and bad. [Insert crappy Tim Hortons bagel].

    1. When you check the weather and decide that you've always wanted to be a hermit anyway.

    2. When you want to eat organic during the winter but your bank account says no.

    3. A perfect smile cookie.

    4. This intensely frustrating occurrence.

    5. Scraping the INSIDE of your windshield.

    6. When Tim Hortons finally nails the cream cheese to bagel ratio.

    7. When you just needed to make two boxes of KD. (OK, maybe three.)


    9. When you see this and weep sweet, sweet maple syrup tears:

    10. This craft that you most definitely made in elementary school.

    11. Trying to slurp up the last bits of your Iced Capp.

    12. The "sales" you've come to expect from Canadian Tire.

    13. This view at 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning.

    14. The cake that you've eaten during at least one Canada Day BBQ.

    16. When you forget to bring the lawn furniture in... For, like, three months.

    17. When the Canadian weather gods give you an extra fridge.

    18. How it feels to be a Canadian online shopper.

    19. Your daily exercise.

    20. This sad winter truth.

    21. Your personal collection.

    22. When you just want your Double Double.

    23. But finally, this promising sight: