17 Of The Absolutely Fucking Worst Things That Have Ever Happened To Bread

    The breadwinner you are not, sir.

    1. This bread that was gutted just to become a "cooler" for...other bread?

    2. This bread that was made into a monster of a sandwich:

    3. This bread that's been unnecessarily stuffed with cookies:

    4. This bread that's been infected by a pair of glasses:

    5. This bread that doesn't deserve to be topped by a doughnut:

    6. This bread that belongs in a belly, not on some feet:

    I know, I know, "loafers," but like...come on.

    7. This bread that's surrounded by a bunch of nastiness:

    8. This bread that deserved better than a peanut butter-Flamin' Hot combo:

    9. This bread that was wasted on a fucking pun:

    10. This bread that probably wanted more than this hot mess:

    11. This bread that's been stabbed with a guitar pick. A GUITAR PICK:

    12. This bread that has been combined with two things it doesn't belong with:

    Fancy AF.

    13. This bread that was infiltrated by some other bread:

    14. This bread that didn't even get the dignity of melted butter:

    This is the type of "food" my brother makes himself

    And like, ravioli? Really?!

    15. This bread, on bread, on bread sandwich that's just...no:

    16. This machine designed to slice bread that pretty much just massacred it instead:

    If this actually worked, it would actually be cool.

    17. And finally, this bread that literally ended up in the shitter: