19 Sacrifices Cat Owners Eventually Make

    It's a cat's life. Not yours.

    1. Losing your seat every time you get up to go to the bathroom or kitchen or anywhere really.

    2. Spending half your paycheck on toys that go unused.

    3. Getting a full night's sleep.

    4. Being able to use your computer for more than five minutes.

    5. Never being able to wear short sleeves ever again.

    6. Or anything black for that matter.

    7. Constantly feeling cat hairs on your face and never really being clean because of that.

    8. Being able to invest in nice furniture.

    9. Having any bathroom privacy.

    10. Giving up a large chunk of your home to your cat's litter box, so they get the privacy they DEMAND.

    11. Ever having a nice, quiet, disruption-free dinner again.

    12. Being able to keep ANYTHING on the counter.

    13. Or leave drinks unattended.

    Dying in bed with a sore throat and here comes mayweed the water cat to drink from my nice clean glass! @JanGlen

    14. Having enough money for your own food after buying your cat's.

    15. Letting your cat's exercise equipment take over your living room.

    16. Having any wall space that won't be immediately colonized by your cat.

    17. Endless hours spent building entertaining, yet completely unnecessary, furniture for your cat.

    18. Sacrificing your sanity when you create an elaborate costume for your cat.

    19. ... And again when you make them an Instagram account.

    But despite it all, you know exactly why the sacrifices are worth it.

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