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Tell Me Something Ridiculously Sweet Your Partner Did For You When You Were Pregnant

*Six months pregnant* Can't. Bend. Down.

Pregnancy is not without its struggles, but sometimes you're lucky enough to have a partner who can help you out.

Maybe your significant other shaved your legs once your belly got too big to bend down...

...or even painted your toenails!

Perhaps they cooked something *interesting* for you in the middle of the night JUST to help satisfy your highly-specific craving.

Or maybe even a total stranger helped you out when you needed it most!?

WE WANT TO KNOW!!! What sweet/thoughtful/awwww-inducing thing did your partner (or even a STRANGER?!) do for you when you were pregnant!?

Leave your stories and photos in the dropbox below, and it could potentially be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.