17 "Home Alone" Details That Are Both Funny And Interesting

    The breaking grocery bags gag was achieved with strings.

    1. Kevin's plane ticket and passport get accidentally thrown out after the spilled milk incident, which explains why no one initially notices Kevin isn't on the flight.

    Kevin's plane ticket wrapped up in a napkin and sitting in a garbage can

    2. There's a dummy of Uncle Frank sitting all alone and doing nothing in the background here.

    Joe pesci disguised as a cop talking to one of the McAllister kids and a bald man sitting far in the background

    3. The red Christmas bow that goes flying off during the storm ~magically~ reappears back on the lamp post a few seconds later.

    Image of a Christmas bow flying off a light post and then showing back up on the light post a minute later

    4. Just like Kevin's dad said, the garage door is in fact left open, but WEIRDLY the cars aren’t even pulled all the way into the garage.

    Kevin's dad saying, "That's it, I forgot to close the garage," and an image of the cars hanging out of the garage at home.

    5. Kevin can't find his toothbrush because his mom packed it away for their trip.

    Kevin's siblings telling him his mom will pack his suitcase and then Kevin saying he can't find his toothbrush

    6. The "robe" Kevin uses to disguise himself with in the nativity display is actually just a curtain from the display...

    A green curtain hangs on a nativity display outside a church and in the next shot Kevin is using the robe to hide himself

    7. …and someone at the church apparently fixes it, because it's hanging back up again when Kevin returns later on.

    A nativity outside the church where the green curtain is hanging back up again

    8. Kevin cut out the basketball from the Michael Jordan poster in Buzz's room and had to stitch Jordan's arm together with tape...

    A poster of Michael Jordan holding a basketball in Buzz's bedroom and that same poster, cut out attached to a train and not holding a basketball

    9. ...although ~magically~ the poster appears altogether again, basketball and all, in Buzz's room later in the movie.

    The Michael Jordan poster in Buzz's bedroom again

    10. Several of the mannequins Kevin uses for his makeshift ~party~ can be seen in the basement earlier in the movie.

    Clothing mannequins in a basement, and then also dressed up and tied to string to make it look like people having a party

    11. You can see what looks like tiny rocks (or maybe grains of salt?!) being tossed at the spider to make it move in the bathroom.

    12. When Kevin's grocery bags break, the large container of Tide detergent is missing.

    Kevin buying groceries, then the bags breaking on the street

    13. And, in case you've always wondered, the bags breaking gag was achieved with string, which you can see if you look closely enough.

    Kevin carrying overloaded bags of groceries home

    14. It's not easy to hear, but if you listen, the basement furnace actually says, "Hello Kevin."

    A scary looking furnace in the basement saying, "Hello, Kevin!"

    15. Kevin's mac and cheese dinner appears to be a totally different frozen dinner moments later when Harry enters the dining room.

    Kevin about to eat a mac and cheese dinner, a frozen dinner meal that has different food instead of the mac and cheese

    16. If you're wondering why there's a doggy door in the house, but no dog ever appears in the movie, it's because the McAllisters put the dog in a kennel for the trip.

    The mom saying "No, we're not bringing the dog, we're putting it in the kennel," and Marv sticking his head through the kitchen doggy door.

    17. And finally...apparently, Harry is married.

    Harry lying on the ground, but you can see his wedding ring