Can You Guess The Answers To These Ridiculous Laffy Taffy Jokes?

    These dad jokes are sweet.

    1. "Why can't your nose be 12 inches long?"

    2. "Why did the sun go to school?"

    3. "What does a bee sit on?"

    4. "What street does a ghost live on?"

    5. "Why was the boy covered in gift wrap?"

    6. "What is a buckaneer?"

    7. "Why don't lobsters share?"

    8. "What did the tree say to the wind?"

    9. "When does it rain money?"

    10. "When does a doctor get mad?"

    11. "What bee does well in school?"

    12. "What gets wet while it dries?"

    13. "What pounds in your ear?"

    14. "Why did the ghost join the team?"

    15. And finally, "What kind of tea is sometimes hard to swallow?"