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13 Incredible Facts We Learned Interviewing Barry Scott, The Guy From The Adverts

We spoke to the man, myth, and legend to find out what makes him, er, bang.

1. The first thing he ever cleaned was his neighbour's car at age 13.

2. If he had a penny for every penny he cleaned, he’d have two thrupenny bits.

3. He was voted 10th sexiest fictional character in Britain.

4. Yes, he does yell "bang" in the bedroom. (Occasionally.)

5. He doesn’t shout; it’s just “amplified enthusiasm".

6. Barry’s favourite film growing up was Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

7. That's what also got him the nickname “The Curse of Tooting Common”.

8. He performs all his own stunts.

9. His age is unquantifiable and merely an illusion.

10. He brainstorms ideas for his ads down the local pub “The Mop and Bucket”.

11. If he wasn’t a Cillit Bang spokesperson, he’d want to host his own gameshow.

12. He's famously humble about his success.

13. The fight against grime never stops. EVER.

All images courtesy of Reckitt Benckiser

Be like Barry and take the elbow grease out of cleaning with Cillit Bang’s new, most powerful formula!