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17 Unpopular Relationship Opinions That Are Going To Make You Feel Some Type Of Way

Is dating to marry toxic?

Recently, Twitter user @cutecherrybitch prompted people to share their unpopular relationship opinons and there were some wild ones. How do YOU feel about these?

unpopular opinion: relationship edition

1. Marriage is strictly business.

2. It ain't exclusive until you ask.

3. Single parent priorities.

4. Everyone you dated before adulthood doesn't count!

5. Your partner isn't responsible for your happiness.

6. Interpret it how you will.

7. Love and comfort are easy to confuse.

8. Not posting relationship stuff on social media.

9. Does having more than one partner solve problems or no?

10. God > a partner.

11. Checking each other's texts is bad.

12. It's good to argue.

13. If you can't handle distance, it ain't real.

14. Going to sleep mad isn't so bad.

15. Dating to marry is not good.

16. Not agreeing on politics is worthy of warranting a breakup.

17. Cheating isn't something to be forgiven; it's an automatic relationship-ender.