There’s A Movie On Netflix Called “Bad Match” That People Are Saying Will Make You Quit Dating Apps, So I Watched And Here’s How It Is

    "Watch Bad Match on Netflix and you'll never use Tinder again."

    WARNING: Contains spoilers.

    Do you or someone you know use dating apps like Tinder, Bumble, etc.? If so, there's a movie on Netflix called Bad Match that might pique your interest.

    Here's how Netflix describes the movie:

    Bad Match also boasts a 100% fresh rating from critics on Rotten Tomatoes, so I decided to dive right in and see what it's like.

    Ok, things open with the womanizer dude, Harris, texting his friend and I'm sure people will already think he's the worst because he has his keyboard clicking sound turned on.

    Harris seems to have a routine — working, engaging in trash talking with some 15-year-old playing video games online, staying active on the dating apps, etc.

    After his hookups, Harris usually slides out in the middle of the night but this girl, Riley, is persistently trying to get him to stay.

    The next day, Riley starts blowing up Harris's phone but he's ignoring her, trying to focus on an important work pitch.

    Riley sends Harris a sexy pic and you guessed it, Harris drops his work and invites her over.

    So, after a night of fun, Harris wakes up late and misses his important work thing.

    After work, Harris returns home. RILEY IS STILL AT HIS CRIB AND THIS IS HOW SHE GREETS HIM.

    Harris was terrified, thinking Riley was about to stab him but she's casually like "I actually never left your place because I wanted to cook you surprise stir fry LOL."

    So, Harris starts dodging Riley and one night, he tells her he can't hang because he's sick, but then his friend checks him into a bar on Facebook and he's exposed. Riley shows up at the bar and gives Harris a verbal lashing.

    The most unrealistic part of this movie is that it takes place well after 2012 and someone is still using Facebook to tag their friends at a location.

    Ok, if you're thinking about watching this movie, you should CONSIDER STOPPING HERE and check it out for yourself, because it gets crazy, and there's a big twist at the end that I didn't see coming.

    So, the first big thing that happens is Riley pretends like she took a bunch of pills to get Harris to come over, worried for her.

    Then two bad things happen to Harris, one causes him to lose his job, the other causes him to be at risk for a prison sentence.

    Some other crap happens and Harris winds up capturing Riley and trying to get her to confess.

    Things get messier, then Riley bashes Harris's head in, but Harris recovers and stabs Riley.

    As Riley lays there dying, Harris gets a phone call from his lawyer and he finally answers.

    And that's how it ends, with a cop arriving to the chaos and Harris completely screwed.



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