17 Frustrating Things People Who Meal Prep Will Deeply Understand

    Meal prep is 75% searching for the right tupperware lid.

    1. Healthier/higher quality food ALWAYS costs more money.

    2. It takes a heroic effort to carry in all of the groceries you’re about to cook with.

    3. Meal prep is going to eat up YOUR ENTIRE DAY.

    4. Eating the same meal repeatedly feels like watching the same episode of a boring TV show every... single... day.

    5. During the cooking process you keep sampling your food and then suddenly you've only got half a week's worth of meals.

    6. If you screw up the ingredients on something, you’ll be stuck eating that botched batch for at least the next few days.

    7. Also, not only does eating the same thing get old, but the food stops being fresh and tastes more like trash each passing day.

    8. Toward the end of the week, when the meals are at their worst, you just hope you don't get food poisoning.

    9. You’ll spend a significant chunk of your life searching for the correct Tupperware lids.

    10. Brown rice takes SO LONG to cook.

    11. It's TOUGH to make your food look aesthetically pleasing.

    12. Being at lunch with a Tupperware full of boring food while your co-workers have stuff that looks/smells delicious.

    13. Even when you find delicious healthy meal prep recipes, there’s always some sort of disappointing catch.

    14. Sometimes you forget to pack utensils along with your meal.

    15. People make jokes like this:

    16. People will recommend trying meal prep delivery services which sounds AMAZING, but also costs a lot more than doing it yourself.

    17. And finally, after spending hours preparing the food, you then have to do a shit ton of dirty dishes.