25 "Avengers: Endgame" Meets "The Office" Memes That Fit So, So Well

    "There's too many people on this Earth." —Thanos, basically.

    1. 2014 Nebula to Thanos:

    2. Present-day Nebula to Thanos:

    3. Captain America when Tony goes off on him after returning to Earth:

    4. Thanos chillin' on his farm when Captain Marvel and company unexpectedly roll up:

    5. The Avengers telling Thanos to give them the stones, and Thanos admitting he destroyed 'em:

    6. Ant-Man learning what happened after getting out of the Quantum Realm:

    7. Hulk and Rocket trying to get Thor to join their efforts:

    8. Thor explaining why he's not interested in helping:

    9. How Captain America, Iron Man, and Ant-Man's plan to travel back to 2012 went:

    10. Captain America:

    11. Rocket dealing with Thor when they time-traveled to Asgard:

    12. Thanos's mindset:

    13. Present-day Nebula to 2014 Nebula when she's refusing to go against Thanos:

    14. Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America to Thanos when the portals started opening:

    15. When the Avengers assembled:

    16. Scarlet Witch when Thanos said he didn't know her:

    17. The women Avengers rolling up on Thanos as a group:

    18. Then proceeding to kick ass and takes names during the battle:

    19. Everyone keeping the Infinity Gauntlet away from Thanos:

    20. Captain America using Thor's hammer:

    21. When Thanos got the Infinity Gauntlet back.

    22. Thanos predicting he'll win:

    23. Thanos trying to get the Infinity Gauntlet to work:

    24. Thanos snapping and Iron Man revealing he has the Infinity Stones before snapping back:

    25. Sam when heavily-aged Cap gave him his shield.