11 Fermi’s Paradox Solutions That Will Make You Have An Existential Crisis

    Where the heck are the aliens?

    Fermi's paradox is the contradiction between the high probability that alien civilizations exist and the lack of contact we've had with aliens. Here are 11 potential answers to Fermi’s paradox, some of which sound feasible, while others resemble big-budget sci-fi movie plots.

    1. All advanced civilizations are listening for signals, not sending them.

    2. Aliens are observing us like zoo animals.

    3. Humans aren't searching correctly for signals from alien civilizations.

    4. Intelligent civilizations' life spans are so short (compared to the age of the universe) that they don't overlap.

    5. We’re living in a simulation, so our reality is whatever the programmers decide it to be.

    6. Other intelligent life exists, but it's very, very rare.

    7. Or life is so rare that no other intelligent beings exist. It's just us.

    8. Aliens exist but they’ve made themselves undetectable.

    9. Advanced beings learned how to upload their consciousness to a simulated universe so they’re too busy enjoying that to spend time interstellar traveling.

    10. Alien existence has already been confirmed, but the general public is unaware.

    11. Advanced beings are so far ahead of us that they see us as a primitive species.