29 Very Clever CrossFit T-Shirts

    It's so much more than a bunch of jerks and snatches.

    1. This t-shirt is a pull-up machine.

    2. This t-shirt has all his favorite Girls on speed dial.

    3. This tank top is #gymnasty.

    4. This t-shirt has her priorities in check.

    5. This tank top wants to spread the good WOD.

    6. This t-shirt hates burpees the most.

    7. This tank top agrees.

    8. This t-shirt knows your squat wasn't below parallel.

    9. This tank top spends Sunday at the box.

    10. This t-shirt is all about that bass.

    11. This t-shirt has really great shoulder mobility.

    12. This t-shirt is strict paleo.

    13. This tank top thinks lifting is pun.

    14. This t-shirt checks his box's website every night before bed.

    15. This t-shirt is a total bro.

    16. This t-shirt knows CrossFit won't make you bulky.

    17. This t-shirt does his own thing.

    18. This t-shirt can deadlift 600 pounds.

    19. This tank top knows a thing or two about motivation.

    20. This t-shirt really wants to beat his old Fran time.

    21. This t-shirt gets sassy when she's tired.

    22. This tank top volunteers for tribute.

    23. This t-shirt is ready to bring it.

    24. This t-shirt is an optimist.

    25. This t-shirt doesn't know what the hell just happened.

    26. This tank top is definitely a cat person.

    27. This t-shirt has no friends outside of CrossFit.

    28. This shirt is little in the middle, but she's got much back.

    29. This t-shirt does not play well with others.