27 Things Every Hangry Person Has Secretly Done

    The fact that you're not dead and have made yourself a sandwich is a miracle.

    1. Eaten straight out of the pan, because washing requires effort:

    2. Or right off the cutting board:

    3. Eaten cereal out of a milk carton while it was in the final stretch:

    4. Or made yourself a bowl out of aluminum foil:

    5. Heated or cooked things in the microwave on a paper towel:

    6. Served food on top of your Tupperware because BOOM! leftovers:


    7. At least two or three times a week, slapped cheese on carbs and called it a meal:

    8. Ate things that were only arguably "food" when there was nothing left in the house:

    9. Ate a ~balanced~ meal of an energy bar and...plain leaves.

    10. Relied on your stash of holiday candy to sustain yourself:

    11. Ended a call with someone because they wouldn't bring or make food for you:

    12. Sent out not-so-subtle pleas to everyone on Snapchat:

    13. Cooked your entire meal in a muffin tin:

    14. Eaten the ingredients before they made it to the stove:


    15. Gradually transferred the entire contents of your kitchen to your bedroom:

    16. Diversified your plate with every type of brown-colored food:

    17. Turned cookies into cereal when the cereal ran out:


    18. Ate dessert for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, because it's the only thing you consistently buy:

    19. Done some risqué stuff to get food to show up at your door:

    20. Figured out all the ways you could transport food with other foods:


    21. Built yourself a snack empire in your room to last weeks:

    22. If you're a vegetarian, ate these two greens literally every night:

    23. Made it as easy as possible to heat up and eat your leftovers:

    24. Warmed up your food with a hair dryer:


    25. Piled junk food on bread and ate it like a sandwich:

    26. Tried to send your spirit to get food when the rest of you couldn't:

    27. Slowly perished as your body withered from sloth:

    The deadliest of the sins.