21 Secrets Everyone With A Sweet Tooth Won’t Tell You

    Let's be honest, you just have sweet "teeth."

    1. You were the LEGEND who stole the damn cookies from the cookie jar.

    2. It's hard for you to have a healthy relationship with someone because pie is your bae.

    3. You're pretty damn jealous of all those little elves that get to make cookies in a tree all day.

    4. You've tried EVERY new Oreo flavor.

    5. Your rite of passage is traveling to this mythical ATM at the proper age of 18.

    6. You've considered having kids just so they could get you free candy on Halloween.

    7. You have a weakness for any product that's dessert flavored.

    8. You've never successfully baked a batch of cookies before.

    9. The words "sugar free" are EXTREMELY derogatory.

    10. You're totally down to name your first born Samoa.

    11. Easter is your favorite holiday only because:

    12. You only eat other foods to get to the dessert portion of the meal.

    13. Frapps are the foundation of your entire life.

    14. You've bought yourself cake for your own birthday.

    15. You've convinced yourself that your dentist is out to ruin your beautifully unhealthy relationship with sweets.

    16. Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chips are the main reason you have trust issues.

    17. Your Instagram has more photos of sweets than you or any of your friends.

    18. You go to wedding receptions just to eat the cake.

    19. The price of your frozen yogurt comes close to a down payment on house after it's weighed.

    20. You can't help but constantly think of ways the world would be a better place if it was ran by sweet tooths.

    21. But when it comes down to it: