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19 Legit Struggles Of People Who Scare Easily

Paranoid activity.

1. You ALWAYS jump to the absolute most extreme conclusions when you hear a sound in your house at night.

2. You have absolutely NO control over the sounds that come out of your mouth when something scares you.

3. You don't have a fight or flight reaction, just a "screaming until your entire hopeless body is paralyzed and numb on the cold ground" reaction.

4. You've developed an irrational fear of almost everything.

5. You've convinced yourself that every house you've ever lived in has been built on an ancient burial ground.

6. Any sudden noise may result in the occasional loss of bladder control.

7. You're constantly paranoid that your pets are staring at ghosts when they look off into the distance.

8. You spend all of Halloween baking cookies and watching happy ~holiday~ movies that fill you with joy.

9. A tap on the shoulder is the most UNWELCOMING form of getting your attention.

10. You could never be the first to fall asleep at sleepovers because you'd be TERRORIZED.

11. It takes YEARS for a friend to earn YOUR trust back after they scare you.

12. A scary movie will haunt your dreams FOR MONTHS if you're forced to go see it.

13. Night walks? No thank you.

14. Ouija boards? NOPE.

15. Haunted houses? A FIRM HELL-TO-THE-NO.

16. Your bed has to be so close to the ground that no unwanted ghost, demon, entity, serial killer, psychopath, demented clown, and/or Freddy Krueger IRL could be underneath waiting for you to fall asleep.

17. It's nearly impossible to walk up the stairs without the paranoia that someone thirsty for your blood is chasing your ass up them.

18. Your electricity bill is constantly high because you need EVERY light turned on during the night.

19. But at the end of the day, you know you'd rather be scared of everything than dead because you decided to wander into an attic or watch some sketchy VHS tape.