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Pacey Vs. Dawson: Who Had The Hotter Dec. 9?

Presented with as many big words as possible.

For the majority of their adolescence, Pacey Witter and Dawson Leery continuously commuted between best friends and foes while vying for Joey Potter's adoration.

SPOILER ALERT: Ultimately, Dawson's love for Joey was unrequited, and Joey chose Pacey.

Fast-forward 12 years, and both men are looking like grade-A slabs of homegrown meat from a creek. Coincidentally, THEY BOTH EXPERIENCED A DEC. 9. Sure, the "Dawson vs. Pacey" argument is antiquated, but IDGAF — WHOSE DAY WAS HOTTER?

Dawson spent his Dec. 9 promenading along a street carrying a notepad — probably full of movie ideas to, perhaps, resurrect an impecunious directing career. Hopefully he managed not to cry during this period of time — that would be disparaging.

Dawson's pants are noticeably tighter than they used to be back in the day, which is really quite fantastic news. But the question is, does he still covet Joey?

Without recourse, here's Pacey on HIS sexy Dec. 9 having lunch with a friend — still looking like the instigator he once was, ready to top you like you're his English teacher.

Akin to Dawson, Pacey has an evolved sense of fashion. Long gone are his cyclopean sweaters and his summer-tourist-heading-to-Hawaii button-ups. TBH, Pacey still gets that creek flowing.

HOWEVER, did you notice Dawson has an iPhone? Maybe he is prosperous in the movie industry. I BET SPIELBERG HAS AN IPHONE!

BUT it appears Pacey's career ambitions may have come to fruition as well! Perhaps this friend is actually le Chef de Cuisine at one of his many lucrative restaurants. Look at him pontificate about the responsibilities of a good chef!