17 "Dawson's Creek" Moments That'll Still Leave You Emotionally Wrecked

    You're gonna want to grab some tissues for this one.

    1. When Pacey broke down to his drunk, passed out father:

    2. When Jack came out to his father:

    3. When Joey finally kissed Pacey first:

    4. When Pacey ~remembered~:

    5. When Pacey bought Joey a wall to paint on:

    Joey: You bought me a wall?

    Pacey: Not bought. Rented. And this thing didn't come cheap either. It cost me a hundred bucks.

    Joey: You bought me a wall?!

    Pacey: You said that already. Look, it's a limited time offer, so you should get cracking.

    Joey: Pacey, did you fail to notice the size of this thing?

    Pacey: Well I just thought your next endeavor should be bigger and better than your last one. It's important that you keep on growing both as a person and as an artist. Now I also got you this [holds up a can of paint] and I know it's not going to cover the whole thing, but as the saying goes, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

    Joey: Well I'm going to need your help on this one.

    Pacey: Ha, no no no no, not this time, you're on your own this time, sister.

    Joey: Pacey, you're unbelievable, I mean as soon as I think I've got you all figured out, you go and you do something so outrageous that completely challenges me in a way that no one else would even think of that. In case I don't say it enough, thank you.

    Pacey: It's about time, Potter. It's about time.

    6. When Jack worried that because he's gay, he'll always be alone:

    7. When Grams stood up for Jack:

    8. When Jack made a solid point about a parent's love for their children:

    9. When Jack's father finally accepted his gay son:

    10. When Pacey just wanted Joey to be happy and let her "off the hook":

    11. When Dawson told his little sister what a soulmate is based off his and Joey's friendship:

    12. And when it became clear Dawson and Joey WERE soulmates, just not that kind of soulmates:

    Dawson: In some unearthly way, it's always gonna be you and me.

    Joey: It's always.

    Dawson: What we have goes beyond friendship, beyond lovers. It's forever.

    Joey: Yes it is. I love you, Dawson.

    Dawson: I love you too, Joey.

    Lilly Leery: [Alexander climbing a ladder and Lily standing at a window in the Leery house. Reminiscent of Joey and Dawson's childhood] Come on Alexander, only a few more steps, you can do it!

    Joey: You and me always.

    Dawson: Always.

    13. When Jen filmed her message to her daughter before she died:

    14. When Pacey and Jen shared their final scene together:

    15. When Jack told Jen she's his soulmate after asking if he could raise her daughter:

    16. When Grams immediately knew:

    17. And when these two ended up together and everything was perfect: