Native Americans Asked These Sensitive Questions To White People

    "That headdress goes really well with your privilege!"

    We asked a few Native Americans what questions they would like to ask white people, and they had some thought-provoking inquiries.

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    1. "Why do you guys like headdresses so much?"

    2. "Why do you always ask me 'how Native I am'?"

    3. "Why do you tell me I don't look like a Native American?"

    4. "Why do you think we get everything for free?"

    5. "What's up with the Washington R-words?"

    6. "Why do you think that 'real' Indians all live on reservations?"

    7. "So, what's it like seeing yourself accurately portrayed in the media?"

    8. "Why do you guys think we all know each other?"

    9. "How are you enjoying our land?"

    Sure, I'll take it! :-(