21 Words That Mean Something Different When You Have A Cat

    Weird to think you ever thought empty boxes were for moving.

    1. Keyboard

    What it means to non-cat people: Something you use to type on your computer.

    What it means to cat people: A heating pad for your best friend to sit on/let you know you need to stop working.

    2. Laser Pointers

    What it means to non-cat people: Something you use for fancy grown-up presentations.

    What it means to cat people: A way to lazily entertain your cat for hours.

    3. Kneading

    What it means to non-cat people: A thing you do to bread.

    What it means to cat people: One of the cutest things in the world.

    4. Shower

    5. Couch

    6. Naps

    7. Furniture

    8. Heating Pad

    9. Lint Roller

    10. Sun Beam

    11. Alarm Clock

    What it means to non-cat people: A device to wake you up in the morning.

    What it means to cat people: Your cat.

    12. New S.O.

    13. Sink

    14. Suitcase

    15. Holiday Decorations

    16. Countertops

    17. Toilet Paper

    18. Sass

    19. Empty Boxes

    20. Window Screens

    21. Bad Days

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