Unicode Approves Breastfeeding And Hijab Emoji

And 54 others, including "shocked face with exploding head."

This afternoon, during its 149th meeting, the Unicode Consortium approved 56 new emojis for the Unicode 10 release. The new emojis are based on proposals submitted to the consortium over the past year and include a hijab emoji, a breastfeeding emoji, a cut of meat emoji, a sandwich emoji, a T. rex emoji, and a man with a monocle emoji.

Also included in the mix are nine new emoji faces that should come in handy post-election. Among them, "face with hand covering face," "shocked face with exploding head," and "face with open mouth vomiting"

You can view the full list here. Here are a few of the proposed pictures:

Hijab emoji

Breastfeeding emoji

Pie, pretzel, and sandwich emojis

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