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How To Make A BuzzFeed Quiz

UPDATE: Please refer to our updated quiz guide here!

UPDATE: We have since updated our quiz format. Please refer to the new quiz guide here!

Hi BuzzFeeders!

In the past, quizzes could only be created by BuzzFeed Staff. Starting TODAY, Community members can make quizzes as well! If you're not already a member of the BuzzFeed Community, you can sign up for an account here.

Please note that BuzzFeed is no longer supporting new posts from Community Brand Publisher accounts, which include any accounts with a political, commercial, or self-promotional agenda. You can learn more about our new guidelines for brands and Community accounts here: http://www.buzzfeed.com/community/brands

This is a detailed "How To" guide for creating quizzes using the BuzzFeed CMS (Content Management System, or posting interface).

Overview: Types of Quizzes

A Standard Quiz has one correct answer out of several and tells you whether you got the answer right or wrong as you go through the quiz. You can add a reveal on each question, where you'll explain what was wrong/right. Here's an example of a Standard quiz without reveals, and here's an example of a standard quiz with reveals. The Standard is good for Trivia quizzes.

A Single Question Quiz is just that. A quiz can have one Single Question (example here), or many Single Question quizzes within one post (example here).

A % Correct Quiz doesn't tell you whether the answers are right or wrong as you proceed, but it tells you at the bottom what percentage you got right. You can use this as a different kind of personality/trivia hybrid quiz by customizing the results to describe what you are based on whether you were able to get the right answers. Example here.

A Personality Quiz is our most popular quiz. You choose from answers that have been assigned to different results, and whichever result you choose the most answers aligned to, you get! Example here.

A Checklist Quiz allows you to pose a single question and list dozens or hundreds of possible answers that people can check off and then share the number they checked off. You can also write custom results for different range. This quiz format is text-based. Example here.

An Image Checklist Quiz is the same as a text-based Checklist quiz, but image- based! Example here.

Quiz Tips (straight from the BuzzFeed Editors):

Here's a useful step by step guide for Personality Quizzes:

Step 1: When starting to think about your quiz, come up with your results first.

Step 2: Add results in CMS.

Step 3: Add your questions.

Step 4: Add answer options for each question.


TL;DR: Quizzes are great! Have fun!

If you have questions, email the Community team (communityhelp@buzzfeed.com). You can also find the BuzzFeed Support Team on Twitter.