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What's The Biggest "Simpsons" Fail You've Spotted?


The Simpsons has been around for 29 years now.

But even though it's a solid TV staple in our homes it still makes the occasional error.

Like when there was a picture of Maggie hanging up on the wall, in the episode that Marge is pregnant with Maggie.

Or when Smithers changed ethnicity a few episodes into the season.

Maybe you can't shake off how Marge and Homer's backstory is constantly changing.

There's probably a whole load more that we, and the Simpsons creators, have missed too!

What's the biggest Simpsons fail you've spotted? It could be something left in shot, a continuity error or a gaping plot-hole. Tell us in the dropbox below, and your submission could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post or video!