21 Signs That Will Make You Say "They Really Should Have Thought That Through More"

    It's amazing how many signs are accidentally dirty. H/T r/funnysigns/

    1. This promise of a gravy hot tub, which tbh I'm up for.

    2. This unnecessary offer of help.

    Thanks @HomeDepot but I think I can handle this.

    3. This NSFW sign from the Ironbridge Museum.

    4. This contradictory sign.

    5. This unfortunate phrasing.

    Sorry but I love this badly phrased memorial bench so much

    6. This template that should have maybe been double checked before it got sent out.

    a Tory election leaflet in Redbridge

    7. This...well...er...giant penis.

    8. This sign that 100% was written by a man.

    9. This sign that, yes, is in use.

    10. This unfortunate bible quote.

    11. This sign that weirdly offers to turn clothes into kids.

    12. This cash machine which was wrongly translated to "free erections" in Welsh.

    13. This sign that brings us the good news that there is now 10% off of all boys!

    14. This sign that raises so, so, many questions.

    15. This sign that has too many innuendos to handle.

    16. This sassy sign that doesn't believe the surfaces are actually "hot".

    17. This incredibly important sign that is guarding some incredibly important instructions.

    18. This sign that I don't see a problem with. Nope, no problem here just some fresh vaggies.

    19. This sign that actually offers some very sound advice.

    20. This sign that just wants to be treated with respect and not like a potato.

    21. And finally, this sign that is very heavy on the peer pressure.