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    Sometimes All You Need Is One Red Flag

    Studies show that abusive relationships and domestic violence begin with emotional abuse and a need for control. Know how to read the signs, and how to stand up for yourself and get out before it's too late, as Kyra does below...

    Email from Kyra to James:

    We should have stayed in bed today. Not a horrible day, just super busy and I'm exhausted. Need a second wind in me so I'm ready to face the cowboys tonight. Hope you have a good time with your friends tonight, I'll talk to you later. xo

    Email reply from James to Kyra:

    You chose to be exhausted today, Kyra. At your request, and because your house was cold an empty, you went out to drinks and dinner, on me, last night. I paid for everything, as I almost always do, and you didn't say thank you.

    At 10:00PM, I said I wanted to go to bed and you asked me to watch Season One, of "The Office," with you. After you started the first two episodes, I turned out the lights, telling you that you could watch it upstairs, and you called me an "asshole" and suggested I sleep on the main level of my own house, and not in a bedroom. This was the second time you called me an an "asshole," this week. The first time was when I told you I didn't know the season record of your favorite football team.

    Amazingly, you stayed up until 11:30, insisting on watching episode three of "The Office," entranced like you always are when you watch television, which you spend a lot of time doing. You admitted to me already that you have seen the episodes you watched.

    You set your alarm for 6:00AM today; and when it went off, waking me up, you turned it off, and went right back to sleep, until I turned on the light in the room, as I was unable to go back to sleep.

    We work in very different work environments, Kyra. My counter-parties (the people against whom I represent the government) are bankers and lawyers at some of the best firms in America; and they are some of the smartest, best-educated people who have ever lived in our country, as are my own co-workers and bosses. Everyday, I review and prepare very complex financial and legal analysis and I draft or interpret very complex legal documents. I have to explain these documents / analysis ad hoc, in public settings, or to my boss or his boss, who are in the top 15 most important people in my 3,000-person organization. People expect me to be precise and accurate. I have no opportunity to make mistakes, and no one checks my work, while I do check the work of others. If I make a mistake, it can have serious consequences for my organization and my career.

    Sleep is vital to my health and happiness, and the last thing I want to do is stay up and watch television, when I should be asleep or preparing for my day at work.

    So, read your message below, again. Does it make sense? You are the reason that you and I were exhausted today.



    And wait for it......

    Kyra's Response:

    Okay, let's just get a few things straight.

    I do remember saying thank you, first of all. As I told you before, I am more than capable of paying myself and will happily do so. The only reason I let you last night is because when we planned the night, you said "if you come it's on me", and so I thought you wanted to. And I also thought you wanted me to come out with your friends, as you invited me and I did not invite myself - it was not because my house was cold and empty but because I wanted to spend time with you, because I enjoyed my time with you and I thought you did as well. I guess I am wrong because the rest of your message sounds like you do not.

    To your next point, you asked me if I'd like to watch a movie at 9, not 10, and I said I'd rather watch a tv show. At 10, we did go up to bed. And I apologize for calling you an asshole, jokingly. You should have spoke up then, saying it upset you. The part about you sleeping on the couch was a joke too. I am a very sarcastic person and I always have been; I do not mean to upset people but I appreciate when people speak up because I will always respect that.

    Also, I am sorry that you are so disappointed in the fact that I enjoy watching television before I go to bed at night. I don't do this every night, but since it was your suggestion to watch it on your tablet, I said sure, why not. This doesn't make me a bad person, watching television. And I'm not going to feel guilty for watching some relaxing television before bed because my profession takes a huge chunk of my mind throughout the day. And a lot of times, I am watching the news or travel channel documentaries; I also like to read and write at night (I am writing a novel, by the way) ; but my guess is that probably surprises you that I do because at times it does seem that you question my intelligence. And if you are wondering, here are some fun facts: I graduated graduate school with a 4.0, got a 1400 on my SATs, was in the top 5% of my graduating class, and I have an IQ of 130. Take that.

    As far as your job, which is obviously the most important job that anyone has ever had (sarcasm again; my apologies, I know it's difficult for you to understand), you can go ahead and fuck yourself. That is the most arrogant thing I have ever heard. To think that my job is not difficult and stressful, you are completely wrong. I have a job which, though at times seems I am in over my head, is the most gratifying part of my life. I love those kids and I do so much for them, and no, I don't get paid enough, as much as you may think educators have it fine. If you are going to downplay my career in any fashion, I have no respect for you at all. Maybe someday if you have a child with a disability, you will look back and consider yourself foolish as well.

    So, once again, I am oh so very sorry that I was such an inconvenience for you last night and this past month. See, that's that sarcasm I told you about before, if you didn't catch on. I am also sorry that your idea of dating is to see how hard you can judge someone and then send them an e-mail telling them all the things you don't like about them (but you love my butt, so I guess it's okay). Please note that if you truly feel that this kind of mean-spirited communication is okay, you will most likely be single for a very long time. I suppose at this point, I could backlash and tell you every little detail that's "wrong" with you, but I won't. I feel that everyone should be allowed to be who they are - people who mind won't matter and people who matter won't mind. However, I am going to go ahead and state that you are in fact an asshole, and this time, I am not being sarcastic. I have gone on bad dates and I have dated not so great guys, but I have never had someone be as critical and condescending as you just were.

    In conclusion, I would like to let you know that I will not, under any circumstance, accept a man speaking to me in this way, ever. Therefore, I am officially cutting ties with you. Because I doubt there is anything you do like about me (since watching TV and working at a school are such intolerable personality flaws that pretty much say all there is to say about a person), I hope that you will not mind.

    Oh and before I forget, thank you for the dinners. I do appreciate them and I did enjoy them. However, I am not interested in your company any longer, so don't worry, you can keep your money in your pocket.

    Have a great life; I do mean that. I am truly disappointed that it had to end this way and I was not planning on it. I would prefer to do this face to face. However, since you didn't have the balls to say how you were feeling when you saw me last night, I had no choice but to bring myself down to your level.

