24 "Shrek" Posts That You Should Let No Innocent Child See

    Avert your wholesome eyes.

    1. This emergency:

    2. This rhyme:

    3. This self-reflection:

    4. This answer:

    5. This alternate music video:

    6. This proposal:

    7. This heart-stopping moment:

    8. This nude talk:

    9. And this unwanted image:

    10. This thought process:

    11. This confirmation:

    12. This ceremony:

    13. This green dog:

    14. This bathroom quote:

    15. This tell-all:

    16. This makeover:

    17. This movie poster:

    18. And this book cover:

    19. This art:

    20. This dirty interpretation:

    21. This pun:

    22. This advice:

    23. This realization:

    24. And finally, this 100% true fact: