26 Hilarious Harry Potter Jokes That Say What We're All Thinking About Him

    Honestly, I don't get this kid sometimes.

    1. Dummy:

    Harry Potter wakes up in hospital. "Welcome back. You've been in a coma for 8 years" says the doctor. "You ran face first into a wall lmao"

    2. Good sense of people:

    DUMBLEDORE: Now, give a warm welcome to our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Lucifer Serpentine HARRY: I bet this dude is great

    3. "is this u":

    4. What are you doing?:

    5. Pull it together:

    [harry potter pulled over drunk driving] HARRY: expecto patronum. pretend u were driving [stag gets behind the wheel] STAG: u have a problem

    6. Come on:

    7. Smh:

    Top 3 things Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley aren't good at: 1 Naming children 2 Naming children 3 Naming children

    8. Where am I?:

    9. Snape 5ever:

    10. Mkay:

    11. You deserve this:

    12. Massive eyeroll:

    13. Burn:

    14. Ouch, another one:

    15. But who am I?:

    16. Not this again:

    17. Observant:

    18. Do better:

    19. Do a lot better:

    20. Hmm, I've seen that somewhere:

    21. How the tides have turned:

    22. Good student:

    23. Take a breather:

    Every year Harry Potter goes to school and somebody tries to kill me. Bro stay home 1 year, take a break, kick your shoes off,watch Netflix.

    24. Sounds about right:

    Harry Potter had a spell for defogging his glasses but not for eliminating the need for glasses

    25. The burns won't stop coming:

    Don't worry if you peaked in high school. So did Harry Potter

    26. Dumbass: