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22 Female Friendship Lessons From Phoebe, Monica, And Rachel

If you're wearing a wedding dress, I'm wearing one too.

1. You're there for one another's biggest life moments and, if you're not physically there, you're Skyping in and probably screaming.

2. When one of you is unhappy, you're all unhappy because the world has done them wrong AND IT MUST PAY.

3. So, obviously, when there's someone you don't like, your besties will be on your side no matter if you're right or wrong.

4. When you can't fix each other's problems, you know alcohol will help you out.

5. You are 100% OK being your ~true~ self in front of your friend because, in the end, you know they'll still love you.

6. When you need a day to just lounge around and do absolutely nothing, your besties will find you wherever you are.

7. And they'll bring food.

8. You know what's best for your friend (even if they don't), and you'll do literally anything to protect them.

9. And you'll stand up for them at the drop of a pin (even if no one has dropped a pin).

10. Sometimes you wish you could just hug each other all day long because nothing in the world makes you feel as good.

11. You've seen each other at your worst and you still love each other. (But you will never let them forget it.)

12. Sometimes you become so self-involved with each other that you realize you're basically your own clique and no one is allowed at your table.

13. When your friend is being a pain in your ass, you know how to knock them down a peg.

14. No matter how old you and your besties are, they'll jump in on any ridiculous plan you have up your sleeve.

15. There is literally nothing you won't tell each other. Your secrets are their secrets.

16. So you obviously know everything about their sex life.

17. Like, everything. Especially the super-weird stuff.

18. You're each other's wingwoman and you know that duty is both an honor and a privilege.

19. When you're acting childish, they're not afraid to tell you to cut your shit out and pull it together.

20. You love your besties even when they tell you that, well, you're not very good at certain things.

21. And even though you sometimes make mistakes...

22. ...you'll always be there for each other no matter what.